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Saturday, August 9

8/09/2014 05:59:00 AM

Saturday, May 10

5/10/2014 08:57:00 PM

Saturday, December 10

♥ Cover Letter

              I remember the time when we were asked to write a diagnostic essay for ENGLCOM and along with it, we must identify our strengths and weaknesses in reading and writing. Weeks passed by and we were able to write tons of essays of different types. I must say, all of these lead to one purpose: for us students to improve our reading and writing skills and achieve the desired learning results. If I would evaluate myself, I can say that I have achieved the four DLR, although there is still room for improvement. I have seen my professor’s ratings of my essays and they were unexpectedly high. At first I was nervous about the upcoming essays that have to be done because I thought I might not be able to make those essays as good as the previous ones but thankfully, they were good enough. I became more strict and critical with the way I write. I also learned how to organize my ideas properly and to produce a good essay out of those thoughts. I became more open-minded and free in expressing my own thoughts. But none of these were achieved easily, especially the trait of being a creative and critical thinker. I always think of myself as a person who is and will never be creative and a deep-thinker. Because of this, I tend to hold back and limit my personal ideas in writing. But through constant practice, I was able to dig deeper into my thoughts and brainstorm effectively. I was extremely proud of my argumentative essay because this essay summed up every desired learning trait that I have achieved. I have no experience in debates so I thought I was going to messed up on this essay, but I didn’t. I was able to apply the skills I have attained through time not just on this essay, but in all of my essays. I followed the guides in the correction key and fixed my essays with the help of those. I conceptualized and researched more to lengthen my overly-short paragraphs. I was satisfied with all the scholarly essays that I have written, and I am more than happy to acquire such desirable learning traits.

12/10/2011 12:17:00 PM

♥ Table of Contents

12/10/2011 12:10:00 PM

♥ Cause and Effect Paragraph

12/10/2011 12:09:00 PM

♥ Descriptive Paragraph

12/10/2011 11:53:00 AM

♥ Comparison and Contrast Paragraph

12/10/2011 11:41:00 AM

♥ Midterm Quiz

12/10/2011 11:23:00 AM

♥ Extended Definition Essay: The End of the World

           The end of times has always been an intriguing topic in the history of mankind. It seems that ever since the advent of civilization to modern times, man has never been able to completely eliminate from his mind the idea of doomsday that, theoretically, would result in the complete demise of the world. It is also one of the diverse subjects in almost all religions and is a continuing debate in science. Accordingly, this essay aims to explore the prophecies and predictions about the end of the world, may they be religion-based or scientific.
            In the religious aspect, the end of the world is regarded as the Last Judgment. The Western prophetic religions such as Catholicism, Islam and Judaism have their own concepts of this. In Catholicism, there is the so-called “Second Coming”, wherein Christ will return from heaven to Earth. All people will stand before him and be judged. Their souls will go to heaven, hell or purgatory depending on their state. This belief of the Catholics holds similarities to the Muslim’s imagery of the Last Judgment. In Islamic belief, all people will die at doomsday and will be resurrected. After that, they will be judged by two angels, Munkar and Nakir. Their souls will either be sent to paradise or hell. As for the Judaic concept of the Last Judgment, it is relatively simple. There will be a day of Yahweh, God of Israel. As a consequence of the sins of Judah, a judgment will occur in Israel and all nations, which will then inaugurate the Kingdom of God.
            There are certain biblical prophecies concerning the end of the world. The most dominant is, of course, the Book of Revelation. It is synonymous to the Apocalypse, which means to unveil or reveal. The book of Revelation is a book of prophecy about the end of times, portraying series of events that will happen before the Final Judgment. It is the last book in the New Testament of the Bible. It begins with the letters sent to the seven churches of Asia Minor and proceeds to narrate the disasters that will happen on earth, in which the mark of the beast will be the start-off. Next in line is the Battle of Armageddon, which refers to the great conflict between the forces of Satan and the forces of God. Satan will be defeated; thus, God will reign and the Final Judgment will occur.
            In science, many predictions are present as to how the world will end, which are normally called “extinction events” or “biotic crises”. These predictions usually refer to various “doomsday events”, events leading up to the utter annihilation of humanity along with the world. Several of these can be categorized as natural occurrences. One example of a natural occurrence is the gamma ray burst. In theory, gamma rays from neutron stars and black hole will break nitrogen bonds in the upper atmosphere and break down the ozone layer. This will result in an explosion that would last less than a minute but would cause devastation on earth. The cosmic rays from the burst would cause radiation damage, which is harmful to all humans. Another example is the impact event. It is caused by the collision of large meteoroids, asteroids or comets with Earth. This would effectively wipe out the existence of life. Last example is the vacuum metastability event. This will happen when the energy levels of the universe’s vacuum become unstable. The effect would be a light-speed burst that would instantly kill all human beings.
            Some predictions, on the other hand, fall in the category of manmade events. First example is the “grey-goo” scenario, which is simply a catastrophic scene wherein nanotechnology replicators became out-of-control. They will convert the natural environment into nanomass or replicas of themselves, which would then erase all forms of life on Earth. Another example of a manmade event is nuclear or biological warfare. The definition comes from the name itself, for it is a war in which nuclear weapons are used. A doomsday clock would be activated as a symbolic countdown to the war after the first use of nuclear weapons. The last example is the cybernetic revolt scenario. This is an event wherein AIs (Artificial Intelligence) or robots think of humans as threats, and therefore they would try to destroy or enslave them, resulting in machine rule.
            Many have probably heard that the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012. This so-called prediction has various roots, one of which is the famous Mayan calendar. It has been said that this calendar is set to end its final baktun (cycle) on Dec. 21, 2012. It is speculated that the Mayans believed that on the final baktun, the gods would create a “new world”, destroying what remains of the “old world”. One speculation about this is that on the said date, there will be a rare alignment of the Milky Way Galaxy that will cause a shift of the magnetic poles, which will greatly affect the geographic patters of the earth. Another conclusion is that on the same date, Planet X or Nibiru will “return”. According to Sumerian mythology, this is the home planet of Anunnaki, the ones who created humanity. Whether this is true or not, there is a supposed scientific claim of a planet that orbits in our solar system once every 3,600 years. If this planet (believed to be the Planet X) were to cause a disruption in our orbits, this would cause danger to Earth and its inhabitants. Another theory that is relative to the 2012 prediction is a release of a powerful solar flare. The sun regularly releases solar flares, but they aren’t harmful enough to cause any danger for they are blocked by the Earth’s natural magnetic fields, causing it to partially block and deflect some of the incoming flares. Scientists have researched this and they claim that the sun could release a large powerful solar flare around 2012. This will cause severe danger to all forms of life.
            Nostradamus, a well-known figure for the seemingly prophetically messages hidden in his texts, had his own prediction about the end of the world. Based on his quatrains, a comet will cause massive destruction and havoc. All interpreters of his quatrain agreed that this comet will arrive sometime in December 2012. Nostradamus also claimed that due to the massive destruction, there will be widespread anarchy. Strong nations will take advantage of this and will try to attain supremacy over the other countries, resulting in a third world war. But the doomsday predictions don’t stop there. Recently, Harold Camping claimed that the “Rapture” or Christ’s return will happen on May 21, 2011 and that the end of the world would occur five months later, which is on Oct. 21, 2011. He even said that a series of earthquakes would occur that would kill most people and those who survived would suffer great torment. When the Rapture didn’t occur, Camping reclaimed that May 21st was just a spiritual judgment and that the Rapture would happen on Oct. 21st. But then again, it didn’t happen.
            Truly, there are many speculations about the end of the world that could drive anyone crazy. While some of these had become failures, others are still being anticipated to occur. Though these predictions and prophecies sound terrifying, they remain as theories; therefore, there is no assurance that these things are really going to happen. The world may end some time or another, but that’s the least of anyone’s problems now. What’s more important is the present, in which one should start making his stay on earth worthwhile. We do not live to exist, but rather we exist to live.

N.A. (2011). Last Judgment. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/331102/Last-Judgment
N.A. (N.D.). The Book of Revelation. Retrieved from http://biblescripture.net/Revelation.html
Willis, M. (1978, April 20). The Battle of Armageddon: Its Biblical Significance. Retrieved from             http://truthmagazine.com/archives/volume22/TM022142.html?PHPSESSID=0db824df6a            a3d994bcee2435d31fd058
N.A. (N.D.). The End of the World – Supernovae, Asteroids, Gamma Rays, and Magnetars. Retrieved from             http://www.spacetravel.org/the-planets-of-the-solar- system/endworldsupernovaeasteroids.html
N.A. (2007, June 4). Natural Disasters List – Mother Earth’s Wrath. Retrieved from             http://www.armageddononline.org/natural-disaster-list.html
Poisuo, P. (2011, April 19). 7 Horrible Ways The Universe Can Destroy Us Without Warning.       Retrieved from http://www.cracked.com/article_19117_7-horrible-ways-universe-can-        destroy-us-without-warning.html
Freitas, R. (2001, March 20). The Gray Goo Problem. Retrieved from        http://www.kurzweilai.net/the-gray-goo-problem
N.A. (N.D.). Nuclear Warfare & Atomic Weapons FAQ. Retrieved from http://www.armageddononline.org/nuclear_warfare.php
N.A. (2009, July 18). Cybernetic Revolt – Rise of the Machines. Retrieved from             http://www.armageddononline.org/Cybernetic-Revolt-Rise-of-the-Machines.html
N.A. (N.D.). The Mayan Calendar 2012 Deadline. Retrieved from           http://www.december2012endofworld.com/mayan-calendar-2012
N.A. (N.D.). Revelations of Nostradamus Predictions for 2012. Retrieved from             http://www.december2012endofworld.com/nostradamus-2012
Duell, M., Stevens, J. (2011, November 1). The end really is nigh: Doomsday prophet Harold       Camping resigns and apologizes after two failed predictions in five months. Retrieved            from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2056215/Doomsday-prophet-Harold-       Camping-resigns-apologises-failed-predictions-months.html

12/10/2011 10:31:00 AM

♥ Argumentative Essay: Private School vs. Public School

             Education is something that everyone considers a priority. A school is an institution where students acquire knowledge and skills that will be of use in their future, so choosing the best school for them is vital. One dilemma that parents have to go through is deciding where to send their children to school: private or public. There are many notable schools out there, but really, what’s the best choice? Judging by the educational system in the Philippines, it is preferable to study in a private school because its quality of education and learning environment are superior to public school.
            Everyone wants to get the quality education that they deserve because having a good quality of education leads to a productive learning process. It also enables students to create better output in their studies. There are certain factors indicating that private schools have a better quality of education than public school. First thing to consider is the facilities. Private schools do not get funds from the government. Instead, they secure funds through tuition fees and sponsors. The sectarian catholic schools can get financial support from their corresponding congregations. Therefore, private schools have higher budget than public schools, enabling them to improve their facilities. The classrooms are spacious enough to accommodate the students. There is a sufficient supply of chairs for everyone. The technical facilities of private schools are also commendable. The laboratories (computer, science, TLE) are up-to-date and the equipments are technologically advanced. The comfort rooms and the campus itself are well-maintained. In general, private schools exert effort in enhancing their facilities to provide a community that is conducive to learning.
            The next factor to consider is the student-to-teacher ratio. The students per class in private schools are on the average number (one teacher is to forty students). Unlike in public schools, the student-to-teacher ratio is extremely beyond the normal rate (one teacher is to sixty to seventy students). Thus, private school teachers can give more attention and focus on their students because they handle a less number. Also, students can focus more on the discussion because of the undivided attention the teacher gives them. The last thing to take into consideration is the school’s influence. In private schools, the administrators are giving immediate response on the issues of their students. The rules and regulations are strictly implemented and certain disciplinary actions are being imposed properly. This makes their students more disciplined and less prone to unprecedented acts. Private schools value their reputation and their influence on their students.
            One element in knowing that the students are experiencing a good educational system is through the school’s learning environment. Having an exceptional learning environment creates an atmosphere that motivates the students to study. Private schools have better learning environment because of three reasons. First is the security. Private schools tend to have tighter security to protect their students and staff. The schools have policies regarding visitors. There are also curfew hours in private schools. For example, students are not allowed to stay on the campus after 6 pm and they are obligated to go straight home right after dismissal time. There is also a strict rule about the “No ID” policy. The ID serves as an identification to prove if one is really a student of the school. Next are the classmates. Students in private schools have a better upbringing because of their exposure to a more pleasant and peaceful environment. Students also learn from their classmates; therefore, it is also essential for them to socialize to people with good moral character. The formation of a good relationship between students enables them to work with more enthusiasm and cooperation with each other. Last is the school structure. As mentioned before, private schools have higher budget because of a wide range of financial support sources. This will help improve the structure of the school and this will, again, make an environment conducive to learning for students. It helps students to study more effectively if their surroundings are amiable.
            On the other hand, there are a few points that favor the stand of the public school. First is the low cost or free tuition fee. But come to think of it, students can benefit more on a higher tuition fee. This is the main source of income of the school, and most likely, this will also be the main source of the funds for the school. This will also be the source of wages for the teachers. If they are getting enough wages, they will be motivated to work and teach properly. The facilities are also benefitting from the tuition fees, as mentioned before. After the paying the fixed costs, the extra funds will go to the expansion of the school and upgrading the equipments. There will be space for various rooms like speech laboratory, gymnasium, science laboratory and the like, which will lead the students to discover more than their usual classes in the “four-walled” room. Chemistry, for example, will not be enjoyable and interesting to the students if there are no laboratory activities. Students in public schools don’t benefit much on the low tuition fee. Public schools are more prone to corruption because the government handles their funds, and usually, they don’t get the sufficient amount of funds needed by the school.
            Next argument is that teachers in public schools have graduated with a degree. But let’s think about the “basic” of economics. People are basically self-serving, and they look out only to their own interest. In general, if the amount of work in the public school (with 1 is to approx. 60 students) with minimal pay is compared to the amount of work in the private school (1 to 40 students) with a reasonable pay, then it is logical to assume that these teachers would prefer to teach at a private institution than a public one. Ever heard of a murder in a local public school? One student killed his teacher in the terminal because the teacher embarrassed him. So teachers will not risk losing their lives and wasting their time to teach in circumstances like this.
            Another argument is that most people can’t afford to go to private school; thus, it creates a “rich or poor” divide among children. But if parents are willing to make financial sacrifices, then it does not matter how high the tuition fee is. The important thing is that their children get the best education they could have. Actually, there are financial aid and scholarship programs available in private schools. These programs can help assist parents who are having a hard time paying the tuition fee. As mentioned before, tuition fees are used in improving facilities and the system of the school and with these, students acquire a good education. It is not the side of the “inequality” that should be looked at. Instead, the focus must be on the students’ education because this is far more important than anything else.
            Clearly, private schools have a better educational system than public schools in terms of the quality of education and learning environment. Not only do students enjoy studying and learning, they are also more secure and taken care of by their respective institutions. They are formed to become holistic and discipline citizens of our country. Students receive the education they need and are exposed to a conducive environment. I highly suggest that parents should take these things into consideration when deciding where to enroll their children because it is their children’s education that is at stake. Remember, education is the greatest gift anyone could ever receive.

N.A. (N.D.). The Advantages of Private Schools vs. Public Schools. Retrieved from http://www.essortment.com/advantages-private-schools-vs-public-schools-39827.html
Elizabeth, M. (N.D.). Private Schools vs. Public Schools. Retrieved from http://www.educationbug.org/a/public-schools-vs--private-schools.html
N.A. (N.D.). Private versus Public. Retrieved from http://www.greatschools.org/find-a-school/defining-your-ideal/59-private-vs-public-schools.gs
Abel, K. (N.D.). Can You Afford Private School? Retrieved from http://school.familyeducation.com/money-and-kids/private-school/29622.html

12/10/2011 10:26:00 AM

Yabba Dabba Doo.

      The Grumpy Toast is very grumpy. Beware, this toast bites.

      Always in the world of imagination.
      Best friends with complexity.
      Has a dominant evil personality.
      Living a life full of bliss.

      NicsisMe. :>

Special thanks to the skin-creator. :)

♥ Past rawr-ing